Submitting a complaint
We take complaints seriously, and it is our aim to respond to all complaints quickly and accurately. E-mail is the best way to submit this information to us. Please address any issues or complaints to:
You may also submit in writing to:
The Fundworks
299 South Main Street
Suite 1300 PMB 93894
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
If you need assistance submitting an issue or complaint, please call (844) 644-6863
What information should be included?
When submitting an issue or complaint, please include:
1. Your name and contact information, including e-mail and daytime contact phone number. If you are a business owner, please also include the name of your business.
2. The name(s) of any Fundworks personnel you have been in contact with. If you have been communicating indirectly through a broker, please include their information as well.
3. Your relationship with The Fundworks. Please let us know if you are a current customer, applicant, etc.
4. The nature of your issue or complaint. Please include any relevant details and dates.
What to expect
We will provide a prompt response to let you know that we have received your message. A member of our team may reach out for additional information required for our review. After we have completed our review, you will receive a written response, which will also be provided to the Managing Members of The Fundworks. If you are not satisfied with the response provided, you may ask for reconsideration by submitting a formal request. Such request should be made in writing and directed to the address above.